Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Elephant in the room
All of us have come across ‘The Elephant in the room’ at least once in one stage of our lives.  Some of us have come across it a few times.  But have you been ‘The Elephant in the room’?  You probably won’t even know as no one said something. (LOL)
Why do people just keep quiet with an elephant in the room?  I think it mostly happens in rooms full of people who are not comfortable with each other or something has happened in the past which make them not talking about it. 
We find silence and denial everywhere in life but can we really ignore the elephant?  I think in some situations we can but in others it will keep haunting us until we say something. The sooner you say or deal with it the faster you can move passed it.

1 comment:

  1. .. I think for some, ( for me ) its easier to just ignore the elephant. A way of avoiding confrontation.
