Monday, October 31, 2011

Don’t judge a book by its cover

We all are guilty of judging people.  This is one of the worst things we can do.  Every person has a story and no one except that person and God knows his full story.  You don’t know what that person have gone through in his life or what he or she is struggling with at the moment.  There are reasons for what we do and how we do it.  Try to see the good in someone.  There are often barriers for example culture, religion or race which makes us judge someone else.  Do not judge someone because he or she is not like you.  You do not have to like the person or be friends with him or her but it will not help anyone by judging him or her.  Everyone can’t be the same.  We need different people in life to make it a bit more interesting.  Try to understand why some persons act the way they do.  Ask yourself is it because the way he or she was brought up, because of gender, language, religion, race, country etc.  There are so many factors influencing us to make us the way we are. 

This blog was aspired by a situation I was in a while ago.  I was on my way from work to class.  It was a Monday.  The Sunday night I worked on assignments until after 02:00AM.  I woke up at 05:30 to go to work.  At 17:00 I was on my way for four hours of classes and I still had to go back to work to finalise stuff before the next day.  A person came up to me begging.  When I did not give him money, he were very cross with me.  I wish I had time to explain my story to him.  Just because I wear nice clothes does not mean I am rich and have lots of money.  I still have a R80 000 loan and working my ass off to get enough money to be able to start paying it off.  You don’t know me; you can’t come and say bad words at me just because I do not give you money. 

And the best thing is that I am really a person who always give anyone money I see who really needs it.  Therefore think twice because you judge someone because you don’t know what the story behind the face and clothes may be.

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