Although he is really clever I think that is really about having the perfect idea at a perfect time. It also shows that how difficult it is to keep friendships in business. It is probably the worst thing you can do. If you haven't watched it yet I strongly recommend that you do.
Monday, October 31, 2011
The social network
I have only watched this movie for the first time last night and wow, how inspiring. For those of you who haven’t watched it yet it is about the guy who invented facebook. This was really the first true life drama which I really enjoyed. There is so much into the movie.
Your smile or compliment can make a huge difference
Smiling does make a big difference. When last have someone smiled at you? Can you remember how it felt? It is amazing what one small smile can do. Even if you don’t know a person, smile. A smile really has powers and can a person think more positively. This does not come natural but you will be amazed what it will even do to you by just smiling more.
Another thing is to give compliments. It won’t hurt you, but you might have a huge impact on someone’s life without even knowing it. We are all living on this planet. We all have Mondays. We all are just trying to survive and create a better life for ourselves. While we are living we can actually make it worthwhile for someone else.
Don’t judge a book by its cover
We all are guilty of judging people. This is one of the worst things we can do. Every person has a story and no one except that person and God knows his full story. You don’t know what that person have gone through in his life or what he or she is struggling with at the moment. There are reasons for what we do and how we do it. Try to see the good in someone. There are often barriers for example culture, religion or race which makes us judge someone else. Do not judge someone because he or she is not like you. You do not have to like the person or be friends with him or her but it will not help anyone by judging him or her. Everyone can’t be the same. We need different people in life to make it a bit more interesting. Try to understand why some persons act the way they do. Ask yourself is it because the way he or she was brought up, because of gender, language, religion, race, country etc. There are so many factors influencing us to make us the way we are.
This blog was aspired by a situation I was in a while ago. I was on my way from work to class. It was a Monday. The Sunday night I worked on assignments until after 02:00AM. I woke up at 05:30 to go to work. At 17:00 I was on my way for four hours of classes and I still had to go back to work to finalise stuff before the next day. A person came up to me begging. When I did not give him money, he were very cross with me. I wish I had time to explain my story to him. Just because I wear nice clothes does not mean I am rich and have lots of money. I still have a R80 000 loan and working my ass off to get enough money to be able to start paying it off. You don’t know me; you can’t come and say bad words at me just because I do not give you money.
And the best thing is that I am really a person who always give anyone money I see who really needs it. Therefore think twice because you judge someone because you don’t know what the story behind the face and clothes may be.
The last lecture
I really can’t believe we are almost at the last lecture. I seriously cannot believe how fast this year has gone by. This also means I need to say goodbye to a lot of people which faces I saw every week. Some of them even became my friends. I am just glad that this is a small industry and Cape Town is even smaller so know I will at least bump into some of them once in a while. It feels like yesterday when I went to the post office to collect my documents which I needed to register and it wasn’t there. I sat in my car for about an hour and cried my eyes out, thinking that I will not be able to study this year. Luckily everything has worked out perfectly.
From an admin job in Stellenbosh, living in Durbanville, studying at CPUT to a fabulous PR job, living in the city and almost at the last lecture. I cannot believe what this year has brought to me.
I am so much richer in knowledge and experience. I want to continuous studying just need to figure out what and where I’m going next year.
Living my life as a journey and loving every second.
Watch this space
I just know I am going to achieve big things in life. What is nice about this is that what makes me happy and are big achievements for me does not necessarily make the next person happy or successful. Everyone is unique and different which makes life interesting and fun. Imagine how boring our lives would have been if everyone was the same.
I am an extremely hard working person and full of ambition. I believe and trust in God and just know there is a big plan with my life. I have also learned through time that a lot of small things can have an even bigger impact than one big thing.
I am positive. I love what I do. Although I don’t exactly know where I am going I know I am going somewhere and have a kind of plan in place although I know that nothing is carved in stone.
I am learning extremely much this year, from every person I come in contact with at and through my work as well as in class. I love learning and gaining more knowledge about my industry and people and life in general.
I am exactly where I want to be at this stage in my life and I know I am even going to wow myself in the future. I have achieved so much so far. I haven’t dreamed of this life and just know there is much more to come.
Watch this space...
My favourite Cat in the Hat book is?????
This does ring a bell but I serious cannot remember the different books! My favourite children’s books were the Walt Disney books. I really loved all the Walt Disney children’s books as well as all the movies.
My favourite children’s story though is Brakenjan. Wow it really makes me long back to my children days. If I look back now everything looked so perfect, although I know I had other issues then. I remember every Thursday night when I was a little girl my mom had a church thing on and every Thursday was bonding time with my dad. We always played golf and soccer in our corridor and then we watch a episode of Brakenjan and go to sleep.
Why I have conversations?
I am in the communications industry, are you really asking me this question?
Firstly I love talking and I love listening and I love people! Without other people we would be nothing. My life would really be empty without conversations.
There are a variety of reasons why I have conversations. My main reasons for communication are to clarify something, to share an experience, feeling or emotion, to build a relationship or to show interest.
Conversation is also become a major topic in businesses especially in the communications and public relations industry. Organisations use to communicate from the Top-Down but today more and more organisations is utilising a participatory approach which involve two-way communication.
Write your bucket list / 100 things to do before you die?
Even though there might be 100 things on my bucket list the main thing is to live my life to the fullest. When I lie on my sick bed one day or breathe in my last breath I want do so with a smile and know that I have lived my life and made use of every opportunity.
If I look back at my life now I am happy with my life. I can die now and be satisfied. Although I feel that I did make 3 mistakes in my life which two of them involved ex-boyfriends (laugh out loud). But you know what if it weren’t for my mistakes and for them I would not have been the person I am today. The other one was where I really messed up and disappointed my parents. There is also of cause where I wished I could get a better first job, or that I went overseas in my gap year. But then I would not have been where I am today and I am happy where I am today.
I am a very realistic person and I do not want to have a bucket list? Does it make me a weird person?
My big fat BIG dream.
There are two sides of this dream. The one involve loved ones and the other one involve materialistic things.
I will not have a fat big dream without all the people that I love. This involves my Mom, Dad, Sister, and Brother, My boyfriend, other family and close friends. No matter what my dream is I want them in my life. I will rather be poor with these people in my life than the richest person in the world without them.
As far as it goes for materialistic things, I would like a beautiful home with a big garden and swimming pool. The house should be cosy and not too big. I want a closet I can walk into and a separate closet for my shoes and jewellery.
I want a job which keeps me busy but it must not be too much stress and I must have as much holiday as I had in school. I must also have enough money to go for holidays where I want to without thinking about whether I have enough money.
Wow, what a life this would be. And it does actually not seem too impossible.
Conventional is a good fallback position isn’t it?
In my opinion convention is a good fallback position no matter in what situation you are. It is important to live your life to the fullest, but when you are unsure or in doubt you still have your old tradition and knowledge to fall back on.
What you learn through your life will always be a part of you. One of my motto’s in life, is not to find yourself but to create yourself. I also believe that although you start to create yourself since the day you are born you only true get a 100% free choice of who you want to be after school. Till then you need to go to school, you can’t choose with who you are in class with, what teachers you have and what you do every day. Your choices are limited. The day you leave school your life lies in front of you as well as thousands of choices and you can decide where you want to go and what you want to become.
You cannot chase two rabbits at the same time
Don’t try to do too much at once. Even though I am a woman we are all just human. Concentrate on one thing at a time and finish it and do it well. If you focus on two things some or other time it will become too much for you and you would have to choose. It is just not worth it. It is good to dream well and have all this amazing sounding goals, but be realistic. I for instance ended up chasing too rabbits this year although I hadn’t planned it and believe me I still don’t know if I will catch the second one.
I started this year of in a more of an admin position at a small non-profit company. I already had my diploma and was so desperate for a proper PR job. I tried looking for a job but no one wanted to appoint me as I did not have proper PR experience. I then decided to do my Btech degree part-time in one year, with the hope that someone will appoint me with a degree. I felt like I was already behind after I took a gap year after school. I then enrolled for my Btech degree taking all 5 subjects. In June this year it just worked out that through someone who knew someone who knew someone who were looking for a Junior PR I got this amazing job. Since June I really had a crazy life. Let me tell you it is not easy working full time and studying full time. I became a complete workaholic and still don’t know if I will catch the second rabbit – by passing all five subjects and obtaining my degree this year. Lesson: Only chase one rabbit at a time.
“Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea” (Alain)
I don’t know of anyone who had only one idea and it worked. Everyone is different and work different. Everything starts with an idea, but nothing comes from only one idea. You start with something and flesh it out and then while busy thinking and working with an idea you will think of better ideas. One is never enough. Rather more than less. Recently I also learned something very valid in our industry. When a Client told me they want 120 Guests which should include partners – 40 media and 20 celebrities. You know what I did? Typically a newbie I compiled a guest list of only 60 people. I soon learned that you can almost expect a drop-off of 50% on the day and need to invite double the amount of guests. Luckily I realised this soon enough.
An idea can just be so much better if you have more than one idea. This also specifically relates to the PR industry. I realised this in our brainstorms. One may have an idea, but as soon as everyone input their ideas it becomes this amazing idea which is thousand times better than the first original idea.
Have you figured out the second head fake?
We are all just humans. None of us can predict the future – or that is what I believe. It is all a guessing game. Sometimes you are lucky and sometimes you are not. Experience count a lot and research, but there will always be that 50% chance that you can be wrong.
This makes life interesting. It is all about how you look at a situation. A situation has always at least two sides and you have a choice from which side you would have to look at it. Life is full of surprises. Don’t get too confident, you never know what might happen the next second or step.
The 4 letter word L*O*V*E
For those of you who do not know I am in a 10 month relationship at the moment. It is my third kind of serious relationship of my life. My first relationship I believe was merely because I felt lonely and urged for attention. It was in my matric year. I went to a really small school in a very small town and there were not that great option of boys. Although I loved my single life during all my school friends, by the time a got in matric I was looking for a relationship. I was evaluating my environment and my eyes got stuck on this kind of ‘hot’ guy with a ‘cool’ attitude in school. It was really puppy love although I believed I was totally inlove with the guy until about 6 months after we broke up. Then I only realised what was I thinkg??? Although I believe everything happens for a reason and that is what I took out of that relationship.
My second relationship can you believe evolved through facebook. He searched for an old friend, found three Nadia Louw’s on facebook (that was 4 years ago) and sent me a message. I responded and from there on we chatted everyday and got to know each other extremely well. I have never found someone I can just chat to for hours and we just have something to say every second. When we met it was love at first sight from his side. After a while I gave in my struggle of saying no all the time and we became more than friends. We had a wonderful relationship although I never felt the butterflies, probably because they were never there. Three years down the line after hours of thought I left one day and never went back. It is sad that I had to lose such a great friend, but still I believe everything happens for a reason.
In March 2010 it was just a normal day at work. When I went to get something at the printer and walked back to my office in the corridor this friendly, nice looking guy asked me if he were at the right place. He came for an interview. Just when I walked passed him I secretly thought to myself that I hope he gets the job..and he did. Seven months down the line I started flirting with him. It took a while for him to bight but he did alright. Only three months after that we started dating.
Wow what a long introduction to get to my point. The first two guys we told each other really early in our relationships that we loved each other. The thing is it is almost a year and my boyfriend and I still haven’t really told each other that we love each other. Although I am positive we do. What will the reason for this be? Have we both learned through previous relationships and do not want to commit too early? What does it actually mean to say I love you? How do you actually know when you love someone? All these questions and loads more are running through my head.
We would just have to wait and see.
Monday, September 19, 2011
My best friend got engaged...
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How hard is it to follow instructions?
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I have one personal problem and that is that I am a bit of a dreamer. Sometimes I get lost in my thoughts completely. I will just stare out of the window into time and think from anything to everything.
At least I do get the work done at the end of the day. I am just a person who works better under pressure. Sometimes I am really wasting time if I do not have a deadline chasing me. Like for tonight for instance. I have so much work in the next month that I do not know where to start. Instead of just starting somewhere I packed away my washing, sorted out some paper work, uploaded photos on facebook and browsed around on my phone.
I think I got this from my mom, but can something like this be generic or is it just a bat habit? Can I overcome it if I try really hard? I am a woman and is suppose to be able to multitask shouldn’t I? It just feels a part of who I am – a dreamer.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
If you live faster, you die faster
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Most of us live in the fast lane especially us in the PR industry. It is from home to work to home to work for five days and sometime even six or seven days a week. During weekends its groceries, gardening, house work, personal admin etc. When do we ever get time to relax?
The faster we live the faster we die. Where are we running too? Slow down for at least once a day and look around you. See the blue skies, the mountain or listen to the birds singing. Cherish each day because life is not about milestones but about moments. If you look back at your life, yes you do look at what you have achieved but you remember the good memories. Try to slow down and enjoy each day because it is not called the ‘present’ for nothing.
Andy Warhol said, “In the future everybody will be world famous for 15 minutes.” You can’t choose the 15 minutes but why would you be world famous?
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To be world famous you should be a Hollywood celebrity, a President or an extraordinary Entrepreneur. With those three categories at mind I immediately think - Lady Gaga, Brad and Angelina, President Obama, Richard Branson and Bill Gates.
If I would be world famous I would probably be famous for starting a famous PR company or being a world known presenter. Wow what a dream. Although I believe with hard work and dedication I can become famous, but do I really want to be famous?
Paparazzi running after me 25 hours of the day, no privacy, all eyes on me, major stress. I think I am too happy with my little life in Cape Town, South Africa to give it all up to befamous.
Life is so short make the best of it The last couple of weeks I just again realized how short life is. In a week’s time I’m turning 23 already. Can it be? If I am so lucky and get granted a full life I’m already one third into my life. And the case may always be that today can be my last day. My Grandfather passed away last week. He was old and just suddenly got really sick about two weeks ago. He had a full and happy life and my grandmother passed away last year and we all know a man cannot really live without a woman whether they will admit it or not. I know it was his time and I accepted that although I wish I could see him one more time, or visit him one more time or phone him one more time. I quickly want to share one short special moment with you. My grandfather’s funeral was on Friday and on Saturday morning our whole family went to Spur. We were all kind of happy and sad in a way. After a while the people next to us asked us what our whole family were doing there. One of my Uncles quickly answered him. That person replied and said he can see where our Father/Grandfather are now. What an inspirational experience and lesson. We do not even have to say something to set an example. |
A skill set called leadership
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Leadership is one of the most valuable skills you can have. Not everyone is leaders some are meant to be followers. Since I was a little girl I wish I had better leadership qualities. I was a Leader in Primary School and High school but how stunning feeling mustn’t it be to be head girl or the captain of the hockey team.
My sister though was Head girl in Primary School and High School and Captain of the Hockey team and was recently announced as a one of the House Committee Members for her hostel. I am so extremely proud of her.
I know I would be a great leader but one thing setting me back is my soft heart. I am busy hardening up. I must say I am really learning so much from my boss currently. It is just stunning working for a medium sized to small consultancy. It gives me the chance to observe so much and to learn how to act in certain situations.
Leaders are really strong people. In order to be a good leader you must be extremely good with people. How weird is this. I have only been working for this company for about three months. I was really down on Monday evening and Tuesday afternoon I was called in to ask if I’m okay. That is what I call an amazing leader and boss.
Things about social media which drives me bonkers
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The first thing is of course spam which I think everyone will agree with me. Also broadcast messages and all those ‘Franco answered a question about Sonika’, or videos with a half naked chick on it and obviously everyone click on it and then it is posted on all your friends walls. Seriously why does it come up on my news feed? Apparently Google+ is much more private. I am still experimenting with it, but it will be wonderful if my BB’s light does not flash red every half hour because of spam messages.
Another thing which drives me bonkers is people who get too personal over their social media networks? We all know you are madly in love with your boyfriend but why write a public message to him every day declaring your love to him. I really do not care. I feel if you want to say something to the person you like, phone, sms or send them a personal message.
Do you feel the same way? What drives you bonkers on your social media networks?
“Rock journalism is people who can’t write interviewing people who can’t talk for people who can’t read” (Frank Zappa) – Comment
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Frank Zappa had some really interesting quotes but this one just grabs me. It can have so many different meanings. Music speaks to the soul and what is a soul without music?
My personal interpretation of this quote is that music is its own language which cannot be translated and therefore cannot be written about, talked about or read about. Music is powerful. The sound of music can set or change your mood even if you’re unaware of it.
If you want to become a Rock Journalist to try and interview people who can’t talk to be able to write to people who can’t read I came across an article written in 2008 by Mithilaum with Ten Commandments of Rock Journalism.
1. Know your music
2. Know your metal
3. Be open to all forms of metal
4. It is not just the riff
5. Listen/Watch/Read before you write
6. Have your say
7. Be You
8. Prepared to be hammered and hammer back
9. Go against the rules
10. Just be Metal
This is useful tips. It must be fun being a ‘Rock Journalist’. Another condition of being a rock journalist is that you need to know your music extraordinary well. No matter what you write about you should be an expert in that specific field.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Every handbag has a story
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Have you ever thought about the story of your handbag? A handbag is one of the things most girls always carry with them. They see, hear and feel everything you do.
Even though I have like about 15 handbags I have this one bag who goes everywhere with me, even if it has to stay in the car when it does not go with my outfit. The main reason I take it everywhere is because everything a girl can possibly need except for clothes even though it does sometimes carry shoes or a jacket is in there. Also if you want to see how hectic my life is you can simply look at my handbag.
This handbag specifically I got last year September on my birthday from my x boyfriend. At first I did not like it, but I just needed some time to bond with it. It is almost a year later and time to get a new one. A handbag only last me a year. I was devastated when I realized it is time to shop for a new bag. I haven’t found one yet though.
I am sad to let it go. Just to think about what I have gone through in the last year and my handbag was always there. At least a handbag is one of the easier things in life to get over it lol. Now it is time to start a new story with my new handbag.
List your top 200 achievements
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Wow 200 achievements. That sounds like a lot. Have I achieved 200 achievements? Well if I think of it, I probably achieved a lot more.
We do not always realise how many we do actually achieve. Even the little things count. You do not have to come first to achieve something. Even the little goals you set for yourself count as achievements.
We are all unique and all have different talents. In order to achieve something you need to set SMART goals for yourself. Your goals need to be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound. A goal is not just a beginning of the year resolution which you forget about before the end of January.
It is so important to set goals for yourself. How will you achieve anything without setting goals for yourself? You will feel good about yourself if you set goals and achieve them.
Start today and set long term and short term goals and before you know it you will have 200 achievements.
How do you utilise your social networks?
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The great thing of social media is that there is that there are no rules. You can say what you think and how you feel. It gave us a bigger voice. You can find people out there who feel the same as you and are upset by the same things you are.
It also opened a huge door for especially the PR, Media and Marketing industry. It is interesting to see who use which social media portal for what.
For me facebook is a bit more personal. I for instance am only friends with people on facebook which I have personally met. I do have my favourite bands and companies on facebook, but I mainly browse facebook to see what my close friends are up to. For twitter on the other hand I use it to get information from. Not really from persons’ but of my industry and also general news. Google + I am unsure of as I am still busy exploring.
I do not think there is a right or wrong way to utilise your social networks. This is how I use it but how do you use it?
What motivates me?
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Recognition; Achievement of a goal whether personal or business related; Seeing the end product; Making a difference; Great teamwork; Good music; Rewards; Chilling with good friends and family; Hobbies...
This list can go on and on. We all have different things motivating us. We need things motivating us to get out of bed every morning and to take on the day. It is important to know what motivates you. We need to be thankful for what we have. Sometimes we forget about all the things we need to be thankful for. Make a list and keep it somewhere and every time you have a down moment read that list.
It is important to live a balanced life. If you do not have a hobby, find one and make time for the things that motivates you. You will enjoy your life so much more.
Life in a PR agency
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For those of you who do not know, I started working for a PR agency on 1 June 2011. Coming out of a kind of corporate environment it was and still is a huge adjustment getting used to work for an agency. You work very long hours most of the days and have so much more work and responsibilities. Having a few clients makes it interesting but at the same time it is a huge challenge. You need to know your clients, their target audiences, competitors and relevant media by heart.
PR is also a hugely competitive industry. If you do not keep your client happy they can open it up to pitching at any time. I recently experienced two cases where other companies tried to take our clients. It is a dog eat dog world out there and we need to be on our feet at all times.
I have so much respect for people opening their own agencies. It maybe looks like it is all fame and fortune but it is so much hard work and lots of stress that goes into building a business.
Yes life as a PR is hard, but I still love it.
Write a list: The 10 most unexpected consequences of being online
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The web has truly opened a lot of doors for us since it started. Even though we think the web has changed a lot we actually just started to learn how to use it.
It is much easier being online these days. Most people in South Africa have a phone with which they can go online. We all go online whether it is for work, social networking, to download games, music et cetera.
Have you ever thought about the consequences of being online?
1. It cost money
2. It takes up a lot of time
3. It can ruin relationships
4. We do not use our brains as much as we did. Anything we want to know we can google
5. People have lost a part of their personalities and do not know how to communicate in person anymore
6. Professionalism has fade away as people are much more informal with each other when communicating online
7. A lot of people do not know how to act online
8. Life is much faster as most business people have access to the internet 24/7
9. There are lots of viruses out there
10. Employees waste a lot of their time online and are thus not that productive as they can be
Nevertheless I think a whole new world is out there and we have only started to discover it.
Fail to prepare – prepare to fail
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Preparation... What a key word for any task or activity no matter how small or big it is in life and business. You need to make a habit of preparing and you will start making a habit of achieving success.
I came across an interesting statement by Abraham Lincoln:
‘If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend six sharpening my ax.’
I learned through experience that preparation is also a very important part of time management. No matter how much you have to do, if you first take a few minutes to plan and prepare you will achieve so much more.
It is always a good idea to be prepared, even if you think it is not necessary. If you fail to prepare yourself you can really prepare to fail.
Before you do something or make an important decision first analyze all the factors which can have a possible effect on the outcome. Consider all your options and weigh the pros and cons. This does not only apply to general life, but is extremely important in PR. You can never be unprepared in anything you do in PR. At least our PR people can think off our feet, but we should plan so well to always expect the unexpected.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
The Elephant in the room |
All of us have come across ‘The Elephant in the room’ at least once in one stage of our lives. Some of us have come across it a few times. But have you been ‘The Elephant in the room’? You probably won’t even know as no one said something. (LOL)
Why do people just keep quiet with an elephant in the room? I think it mostly happens in rooms full of people who are not comfortable with each other or something has happened in the past which make them not talking about it.
We find silence and denial everywhere in life but can we really ignore the elephant? I think in some situations we can but in others it will keep haunting us until we say something. The sooner you say or deal with it the faster you can move passed it.
Living in the fast lane but slowed down by traffic
For me one of the most annoying things in life is to be stuck in traffic. Don’t we all hate it and we all have to deal with it? Some just have it worse than others.
One pro though is that it gives me time to check my phone, but still. If it is so bad in 2011 how bad will it not be in a couple of year’s time? Something needs to be done and fast.
A few weeks ago I had to live with my boyfriend for two weeks because I was moving into a new apartment. He lives in Paarl and I work in Cape Town. It is only 60km apart, but in traffic 60km can feel a lot further. I had to wake up at 5:30 to leave at 07:00 to be at work by 09:00. In the evenings I never got home before 19:00. I know there are a lot of people doing this, but seriously I do not know how especially if you have a family to take care off.
The point that I would like to make is that there are 1000’s of people stuck in traffic each day. South Africa can be so much more productive if its citizens did not have to sit in traffic for hours every day. But it does not help to complain and not give suggestions. Future plans can be to build highways on top of each other but for now I think governments’ idea of increasing the use of public transport is brilliant. Two important things for this are security and reliability.
I haven’t used the Gautrain yet but apparently it works really well. Hope they have a similar plan for Cape Town? |
Every day is a good day |
We only live once and it is so important to cherish each and every single moment no matter how bad day it is. Every day is a good day and if it is not, make it a good day.
Somewhere I have read some interesting stats about our lives. If you are 70 years old your life would have looked something like this:
· You slept for 23 years
· You worked for 14 years
· You spend 8 years in front of the television
· You ate for 6 years
· You were on the road for 4 years
· You spend 4 years in conversation
· You read for 1 year
· And if you went to church every Sunday and spend 10 minutes with God each day you only gave 5 months of your time to God.
Isn’t it shocking? I am so glad I am still young, but the way my live fly past me now before I know it I will be 70 years of age. If I get there and look back at my life, what will I see?
Make the most of every day!
Cards on the table - Berry addiction |
Aren’t we all guilty of this addiction? Although there are a few outsiders who refuse to become part of us, eventually they will give in.
I only got my blackberry in October and it did not even take a month to become totally addicted. I literally can’t go five minutes without checking my phone, even though I know I do not have any new notifications. My addiction started when, with the click of a button I could be in facebook .
I am also busy studying my Btech in PR and the first task we received in our media class was to open a twitter account and need to tweet a minimum of three times a day. Twitter really opened a whole new world to me and if it was not for my lecturer I would not have experienced it the way that I do. But then I did not only have to my 500 facebook friends to check on but also about the 200 people I’m following on twitter.
Even though I’m addicted I love my addiction. I cannot imagine my life without my Berry.
Our greatest strength is our greatest weakness
Do you know what your strengths and weaknesses are? It is hard if you think about it. It is so easy judging other people but if it comes to yourself it is not that easy. I do think that it is important to know yourself and know your weaknesses and strengths to be able to work on your weaknesses and be cautious of your strengths not to turn into weaknesses.
I believe that with hard work any weakness can be turned into a strength. You should just be careful to not only concentrate on your weaknesses that you forget about your strengths. Think of it as a sport. If you practise really hard you can become really good at something but as soon as you start to relax and stop practising you will not be good at it anymore.
You need to constantly evaluate your weaknesses and strengths to find out what you still need to work on. No one is perfect and no matter who you are or how good you are at something there will always be someone better and poorer at it than you. |
Just because boys do not show their feelings doesn’t mean they do not have feelings
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