Monday, May 2, 2011

Do you think crying is a sign of weakness or strength?

We cry for so many different reasons.  We cry when we are sad, when we are happy, when we are stressed, when we are uncertain, when we are thankful and so I can go on.  No matter why we cry it makes us feel better afterwards.  
Crying is an expression of an emotion.  Once we cry it helps us to release that emotion and feeling.  It is a good thing to let go sometime. 
Most people have a perception that crying is a weakness.   Children grow up with the idea that boys do not cry. I think it is a really bad thing.  We all need to cry whether we are boys or girls, young or old.
I see crying as a sign of strength.  It is medicine in some kind of bizarre way. For some people it takes courage to cry.
I personally have a very small heart and the smallest thing can make me cry.  I cannot control it which is not so nice, but I always feel better after I have cried.  Mostly I like it to cry over movies.    Even though it is only a movie, it makes me realise what I have and reminds me of what I need to be thankful for. 
What is your opinion of crying?  Do you think crying is a sign of weakness or strength?


  1. I think crying is a sign of strength. And don't feel bad ... I also cry VERY quickly!

  2. I also like to believe that crying is a sign of strenght and even though I myself tend to stand strong rather than shed a tear, when it does come to the point of tears, I always feel better afterwards.
