Monday, October 31, 2011

“Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea” (Alain)

I don’t know of anyone who had only one idea and it worked.  Everyone is different and work different.  Everything starts with an idea, but nothing comes from only one idea.  You start with something and flesh it out and then while busy thinking and working with an idea you will think of better ideas.  One is never enough.  Rather more than less.  Recently I also learned something very valid in our industry.  When a Client told me they want 120 Guests which should include partners – 40 media and 20 celebrities.  You know what I did?  Typically a newbie I compiled a guest list of only 60 people.  I soon learned that you can almost expect a drop-off of 50% on the day and need to invite double the amount of guests.  Luckily I realised this soon enough. 

An idea can just be so much better if you have more than one idea.  This also specifically relates to the PR industry.  I realised this in our brainstorms.  One may have an idea, but as soon as everyone input their ideas it becomes this amazing idea which is thousand times better than the first original idea.

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